Mastering the ps Command: Essential Flags and Options

Discover the power of the 'ps' command for Unix systems! Learn essential flags and options to monitor processes effectively. From basic usage to advanced techniques, this guide covers sorting, real-time monitoring, and practical examples. Master 'ps' to optimize your system performance!

Mastering the ps Command: Essential Flags and Options


The ps command is a powerful tool for viewing and managing processes on Unix-like operating systems. It's an essential utility for system administrators, developers, and power users alike. This guide will help you master the most useful flags and options of the ps command, enabling you to effectively monitor and control your system's processes.

Basic Usage

At its simplest, running ps without any options displays a list of processes for the current terminal session:


This basic output includes four columns:

  • PID: Process ID
  • TTY: Terminal type
  • TIME: CPU time used by the process
  • CMD: Command name

Essential Flags and Options

1. Display All Processes

To see every process running on your system:

ps -e

This command lists all processes, regardless of user or terminal.

2. Show Full Format Listing

For more detailed process information:

ps -ef

This displays additional columns like UID (User ID), PPID (Parent Process ID), and START (Start time).

3. Display Process Hierarchy

To view processes in a tree-like format:

ps -ejH

This helps understand parent-child relationships between processes.

4. Sort Processes

Sort the output based on different criteria. For example, sort by CPU usage:

ps -aux --sort=-%cpu

This shows processes using the most CPU at the top.

5. Display Specific Process Information

Get information about a specific process using its PID:

ps -p 1234

Replace 1234 with the actual PID you're interested in.

6. Show Only User-Owned Processes

Display processes owned by a specific user:

ps -u username

Replace "username" with the actual username you want to check.

7. Custom Output Format

Customize the output columns:

ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%cpu

This shows PID, PPID, command, memory usage, and CPU usage, sorted by CPU usage.

8. Real-Time Process Monitoring

Use watch with ps for real-time updates:

watch -n 1 'ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%cpu | head -n 10'

This updates every second, showing the top 10 CPU-consuming processes.

Advanced Usage and Examples

Finding Memory-Hungry Processes

Identify processes using the most memory:

ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem --sort=-%mem | head

Identifying Zombie Processes

Find zombie processes:

ps aux | awk '$8=="Z"'

Listing All Processes of a Specific Program

To find all processes of a specific program (e.g., Java):

ps -ef | grep java

Display Processes with Their Environment Variables

To see processes along with their environment variables:

ps eww

Show Process Start Time and Running Duration

Display process start time and how long it has been running:

ps -eo pid,tty,user,args,lstart,etime

Find the Top Memory and CPU Consumers

Identify the top 5 memory and CPU consumers:

ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | head -n 6

Tips for Effective Usage

  1. Combine flags: Many ps flags can be combined for more detailed output.
  2. Use grep: Pipe ps output to grep to filter for specific processes.
  3. Regular checks: Run ps commands regularly to understand your system's normal state.
  4. Script it: Create shell scripts for complex ps commands you use frequently.
  5. Understand the output: Take time to learn what each column in the ps output means.
  6. Use with other tools: Combine ps with tools like top, htop, or lsof for comprehensive system monitoring.

Common Questions and Answers

  1. Q: How can I find the PID of a specific process?
    A: Use ps -C process_name. For example, ps -C firefox will show all Firefox processes.

  2. Q: How do I kill a process using ps?
    A: While ps itself doesn't kill processes, you can use it to find the PID and then use kill. For example: kill $(ps -C firefox -o pid=)

  3. Q: Can I use ps to monitor network connections?
    A: ps doesn't directly show network connections. Use netstat or ss for that purpose.

  4. Q: How can I see threads for a process?
    A: Use ps -eLf to show one line per thread.

  5. Q: Is there a way to see process resource limits?
    A: Yes, use ps -eo pid,cmd,rss,vsz,nice,rlimit to see resource limits along with other process information.

Practical Examples

Example 1: Monitoring Web Server Processes

If you're running a web server like Apache or Nginx, you can monitor its processes:

ps -eo pid,ppid,%cpu,%mem,cmd --sort=-%cpu | grep -E '(apache|nginx)'

This command will show all Apache or Nginx processes, sorted by CPU usage.

Example 2: Finding Long-Running Processes

To identify processes that have been running for a long time:

ps -eo pid,user,etime,cmd --sort=-etime | head -n 10

This shows the top 10 longest-running processes.

Example 3: Monitoring Java Application Performance

For Java developers, monitoring JVM processes can be crucial:

ps -C java -o pid,%cpu,%mem,cmd

This command displays all Java processes with their CPU and memory usage.

Advanced Topics

Using ps with System Resource Limits

To view processes along with their resource limits:

ps -eo pid,cmd,rss,vsz,nice,rlimit

This can help identify processes that might be hitting resource constraints.

Customizing ps Output for Specific Needs

You can create aliases or functions in your shell configuration for frequently used ps commands. For example:

alias pscpu='ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%cpu --sort=-%cpu | head'
alias psmem='ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem --sort=-%mem | head'

Now you can quickly check top CPU or memory consumers by typing pscpu or psmem.

Integrating ps with Other System Tools

Combine ps with other tools for more comprehensive monitoring:

ps -eo pid,cmd,%cpu,%mem | awk '$3 > 0 {print}' | sort -k3 -n -r | head -n 5

This command uses awk to filter processes with non-zero CPU usage, then sorts and displays the top 5.

Best Practices

  1. Regular Monitoring: Set up regular monitoring using ps combined with tools like cron to track system health over time.
  2. Documentation: Keep a log of common ps commands you use and their purposes for quick reference.
  3. Resource Thresholds: Establish thresholds for CPU and memory usage to help identify when processes are behaving abnormally.
  4. Automation: Create scripts that use ps to automatically alert you when certain conditions are met (e.g., a process using more than 80% CPU).
  5. System-Specific Knowledge: Understand the normal operating parameters for your specific system to better interpret ps output.

Security Considerations

When using ps, be aware of potential security implications:

  1. Sensitive Information: ps can reveal sensitive information about running processes. Be cautious when sharing ps output.
  2. User Permissions: Some ps options may require elevated permissions. Always use the least privileged access necessary.
  3. Process Hiding: Malicious processes might try to hide from ps. Be aware of techniques like process name obfuscation.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  1. High CPU Usage: If ps shows consistently high CPU usage, investigate using additional tools like top or htop.
  2. Memory Leaks: Monitor for processes that continuously increase in memory usage over time.
  3. Zombie Processes: Regularly check for and address zombie processes to maintain system health.


Mastering the ps command and its various flags and options can significantly improve your ability to monitor and manage processes on Unix-like systems. By understanding how to view, sort, and filter process information, you can quickly identify issues, optimize system performance, and gain deeper insights into your system's operation.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Try out these commands on your system, experiment with different combinations, and you'll soon become proficient in using ps for all your process management needs.

Whether you're troubleshooting a slow system, hunting down resource-intensive applications, or just curious about what's running on your machine, the ps command is an invaluable tool in your Unix toolkit. Happy process hunting!